Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bad Blogger!

I have been a very bad blogger. So much has happened since the last post. We had an official 1st birthday party for the boys, Jack and Braden celebrated their first Thanksgiving at home with us, Jack is walking and probably most importantly - Jack got great news from his cardiologist. He wore a holter monitor over Thanksgiving and it showed no SVT episodes. This is such a positive step for him. Because he still has abnormal EKG's we know the pathway is still there, but because he can go 24 hours (at least) with no SVT episodes it appears his body is learning how to work around it. We will go back to the cardiologist in a year.

In the meantime, we have two little boys walking around the house. Braden is far more steady on his feet than Jack. If he thinks you are chasing him, he will almost run! Jack is just getting steady enough to walk across the room, if he thinks you are chasing him he breaks into this crawl that is as fast as any "run" Braden can do.

The birthday party was a huge success! Brian and I spent the night before making the cake. Brian spent a lot more than just the night before preparing for this party though. He cooked meatballs, sausage, sauce, lasagna, eggplant parmesean, salad and garlic bread. He went to the boat club early the day of the party to set up and finish cooking (thanks to Bill & Deb for helping with the decorations). Brian worked hard and it payed off, everyone had a lot of fun, especially the boys!

We also had a wonderful photographer, Christina Houser, come to the house and take pictures of the boys for their birthday. We were so thrilled with the pictures. Christina is such a wonderful photographer and she was so patient with the boys. Her website is

Here are some photos Deb took at the party.






Mrs. J - We love our birthday present! We are a little too scared to crawl through it, but we will keep trying!