Tuesday, April 26, 2011


It isn't until I sit down to update the blog that I realize how much I enjoy it. It's just too bad it takes a holiday (and harrassing e-mails from a cousin who shall remain nameless)...
Either way, here we go...

This year Easter was more than chocolate and bunnies. It was a chance to get away from our crazy life in CT and hang out with my parents for the weekend. I am fairly certain my mom had the boys' bed made for at least 2 weeks in anticipation of their visit. I think we all needed the down time that the weekend gave us. We sat at the island in the kitchen and talked about life's big decisions, reminiced about Grammy Henry's brownies and ate - a lot. And because there are no rules at Grammy's the boys got Peeps for breakfast and got to sleep in a big boy bed together.

On Easter morning we waited for everyone to get up and then Brian distracted the boys so I could hide some eggs and set out their baskets.

The hunt was on...
Easter 001

Easter 004

They found all sorts of treasures...
Easter 010

Easter 014

but they didn't understand the concept of putting it in the basket to be rationed out at our discretion. They wanted to eat it as they found it. So we let them...
Easter 021

Easter 017

and 20 minutes later things were quiet.
Easter 045

Easter 047

Once rested, Daddy took the boys for a walk...
Easter 060

and to test out those new bubbles.
Easter 062

Jack made sure his new bunny had enough to eat too.
Easter 050

Easter 054