Thursday, June 4, 2009

Abnormal EKG...

Once again Jack has an abnormal EKG. I found myself on the verge of tears in the doctor's office, but upon further reflection I am feeling better and I know things could be a whole lot worse. Going back to Yale has a way of reminding you of that. Hoping that Jack will outgrow his WPW at the point is probably unrealistic. Going forward we will hope that his medication continues to work while we wait for him to get big enough to undergo the cardiac ablation that will close off the extra pathway. We will go back to Dr. Fishburger when Jack turns one, unless of course we detect any SVT episodes.

Jack was such a good boy! He even got a visit from one of the nurses that cared for him while he was in the NICU. She heard he was in and wanted to say hi. I can't imagine how different he must look to people who last saw him when he was 5 weeks old! She was so sweet to stop by. Those people have a special place in our hearts, forever.

We had a little play time while we waited for the doctor.


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