Saturday, March 21, 2009

Back on track

I am happy to report there isn't much to report! Jack is doing very well. His incision is healing nicely and Brian brought him back to the surgeon this week to have the external sutures removed. He will go for one more follow up, but we expect that will go well.
Braden is doing great too. He is having some minor issues with his acid reflux, but nothing we can't handle.
They are both such happy babies! Just this week they have started to laugh without being prompted, and their faces light up when they see Brian or I.
As I write this from the couch, the boys are both laying on the floor on a play mat. They are grasping and pulling on the toys that hang down over their head. It looks as if Braden is even using them as leverage for a roll over.
Both boys have been rolling from their bellies to their back since January 21, but they are getting very close to rolling from back to their bellies.

Here is a video of Jack laughing from earlier this week. Enjoy!


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