Thursday, March 12, 2009


The short story: The surgery was a success. Jack is home and, as we suspected, much happier.

The long story: We arrived at the hospital yesterday around 1:00. We went to the third floor to check in for the surgery and met with his nurses and the surgeon. They told us just before he went in that they thought it would be a good idea if Jack spent the night given his WPW, just to be safe. We signed the consent and he went into the operating room at just about 3:00p. Brian and I went to a waiting room and, well, waited. Just about an hour later the surgeon came out to tell us that Jack did great, the hemangioma was gone and he was just waking up. A few minutes after that we were able to go see him. He was awake and clearly uncomfortable, but somehow it didn't seem to be anywhere near the pain he was in just hours before. I got to feed him as soon as he was alert enough and then he was transported to his room. Because the decision to keep him overnight was a last minute one, things were pretty chaotic and unorganized. There was a lot of confusion about his meds and whether he needed a heart monitor (suprising that there was any confusion over this as the whole reason he was staying was to monitor his heart). I had to get a little tough with the nurses, but we finally got it all sorted out. He started to calm down and at about 8:00p we left to pick Braden up from Daycare.
You would think Brian and I would be used to leaving one or both of our children at the hospital, but maybe it is something we will never get used to. Brian and I tossed and turned most of the night. Braden on the other hand, once again completely unfazed by his brothers status slept through the night!!!

Needless to say, the boys will be sleeping in their own cribs tonight and we will hope this wasn't just a fluke.

Brian and I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for calling, e-mailing and offering to help us. It means so much to us to have such a great family and group of friends. A special thank you to Aunt Charlotte for walking us through what to expect moment by moment. It really helped knowing what was coming. Thanks for always being our on-call nurse!


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